Network Resources

"How to Help" Guides:
These guides provide ideas for individuals and churches who would like to help unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and youth.

GuideForIndividuals_English.pdf GuideForIndividuals_English.pdf
Size : 174.578 Kb
Type : pdf
GuideForChurches_English.pdf GuideForChurches_English.pdf
Size : 176.522 Kb
Type : pdf

Bible Study:

What does the Bible say about unaccompanied refugee children? This study looks at four biblical passages, provides short commentary and then Reflection Points for use with your small group or for personal study.

BibleStudy_English.pdf BibleStudy_English.pdf
Size : 158.104 Kb
Type : pdf
Prayer Initiatives:

Group Prayer Activity:
This activity was shared with us by a MUM Network member after successful implementation at her church. An interactive prayer time appropriate for all ages. Click here for: Instructions for Group Prayer Activity.

9:36 Prayer Initiative: This global initiative encourages us to recall Jesus' words in Mark 9:36-37 as we pray at 9:36 a.m. and p.m. for refugee and asylum-seeking children.

936PrayerInitiative_English.pdf 936PrayerInitiative_English.pdf
Size : 235.223 Kb
Type : pdf
Resources in French & Italian: Volunteers from our MUM Network member, IBC Church, kindly translated the Bible Study, Prayer Initiative, and Guides into French and Italian for us to help with the November 2017 Orphan Sunday initiative. You can access those resources here:

External Resources

Upcoming Events

Refugee Sunday
Sunday June 16 and 23
The Sunday before and after World Refugee Day are a chance for churches around the globe to celebrate refugees and raise awareness of the challenges they face. Access wonderful resources to share with your community here.

Refugee Roundtable

October 23-25, 2019
Toronto, Canada
Hosted by the Refugee Highway Partnership North America, this is a terrific opportunity to get together with others serving in refugee ministry and refugee agencies in the U.S. and Canada. A time for learning, networking, praying and worshiping.  Learn more and register here.

Awareness Campaigns

The Peace Between Film Project
This documentary features three vignettes of local people (in The Netherlands, Hungary and France) developing friendships with refugees who have arrived in their towns. It is a candid view of what it means to be a neighbor, and what cross-cultural friendships may look like.
View the trailer

We are privileged to be a small sponsor of this film, and also to help develop the materials churches will use to open dialogue around this topic as well as to dig into what the Bible says.
Why is Refugee Connect a sponsor?

Programs in Development

We continually work with our network members to understand needs, identify gaps and build relationships with NGOs, government, businesses, educators, and associations. In this process, we work together to share resources as well as launch new programs to help the refugee youth we care for. The following are in development:
  • Business Incubator
  • Trauma Care Through the Arts
  • Alternative Housing for URM Turning 18 in Shelters
  • URM Foster Care Awareness Initiative

Please email us for updates or to join in these projects.